Friday, 15 May 2015

surtex 2015

Just want to wish everyone showing at Surtex next week good luck!
We won't be there this year 'cos we just couldn't fit it in. We're all so busy at the mo and it would have tipped us over the edge if we'd had to get a load of work ready to take to a show. 
And of course Wendy had baby Nancy in March so that kind of ruled her out!
We'll miss all the fab people we met last year and we'll miss the nachos and the strawberry margaritas. But most of all we'll miss the non stop laughter we had for 6 days!
We're all a bit gutted seeing everyone's prep going on, a trip to New York would be rather nice at the mo! But we're hoping to free up some time to get cracking and show again next year...we'll keep you posted!

Meanwhile we do have work available on the website, give us a shout if you're looking to buy and we'll send you the password...

Have a good trip everyone!

Dawn x

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